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Handicraftis a type of craft, where people make things using only their hands or basic tools of daily life. The items are usually decorative and have a particular use. Usually, it refers to traditional methods of making things. The items often have cultural or religious value, which is the most important part of Handicraft. Things made by mass production or machines are not handicraft goods but something else. It enhances a person’s creativity as well as person’s thinking ability. It has been protecting our culture in many ways and will further help preserve culture in the future through practice.


has a great custom of handcraft, which has been handed over to the current generation of artisan from the previous generation. And generation after generation the system was advancing and skill was also refined. The main among them is the handloom textures of the cotton and tusser silk that has evolved as a great future to these artisans. The tie and die style or Bandha O Kala is developing from past to present with new techniques of refinement. And the Sambalpuri handloom can put a permanent mark in the mind of past as well as today’s generation. The master weavers use their creativity and imagination to fascinate the people of all sects and got successful in attracting them towards the Sambalpuri trend.

Bamboo and reed labourers make furniture from bamboo, craft producers weave appealing containers from multi-hued bamboo-wicker for home use which they use in their day to day life work. Household things produced using brilliant grass (Berna) in Sambalpur are exceptionally attractive and giving good income to the maker of this things. It is a very important livelihood of the people living in Bhatra and its outskit.

The metal and Earthenware works has also immense value, as it fulfils the demand of daily needs of every type of people because of its textures and unique utility.


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