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Sambalpur: Disrespect for National Honor at District Collector’s Office; Questions Raised on Administration

Two Shocking Incidents in Sambalpur

Sambalpur: Today, two shocking and embarrassing incidents have come to light at the Sambalpur District Collector’s Office.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Damaged Photo on the Hoarding

Right in front of the office, the hoarding with Mahatma Gandhi’s photo is badly torn. This sight has caught the attention of many people and raised serious concerns about negligence.

Disrespect Towards the National Flag

On the other hand, at the ADM office, the national flag has been placed in a way that appears highly disrespectful. Many citizens feel that such treatment of the flag is unacceptable and must be corrected immediately.

Public Reaction and Questions on Administration

After witnessing these incidents, the common people have started questioning the administration. Will they take any action to fix these issues? What steps will the district administration take to address this situation?

Local citizens are demanding that authorities correct these disrespectful situations as soon as possible. Moreover, they insist that such negligence should not be repeated in the future.

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