Sambalpur: A 7-year-old girl was suffered in a husband-wife fight, after 2 years girl returned to her mother’s arm

Sambalpur: A 7-year-old girl was suffering in a husband-wife fight. The father took the daughter away from the mother. After keeping her for a few days, he no longer looked after the girl. The little girl wandered around. In this situation, in July 2019, a volunteer organization rescued the girl from Hirakud station. The identity of the girl was searched. Nothing could be found. Neither parents nor family members came. So the girl stayed with the volunteer organization. More than 2 years had passed in this. This time, however, mother did not give up. Motherhood was not broken. He searched for the girl in different places. But the girl was not found. Still she did not give up faith. As her husband was working in Hirakud, she finally came running to Sambalpur. She visited various ashrams in the city. After reaching the Child Development Committee, today she got her lost daughter back. The information was given by the Child Development Committee, which was handed over after both the mother and daughter recognized each other.
Both of them were first seen through a video call after his mother arrived today. Both of them recognized each other. Then they couldn’t hold back and burst into tears. The two of them held together in their arm. Tears are rolling down from the mother’s eyes and the daughter. After the identification of the mother and daughter, the paperwork process for the handover began. Today, the girl is handed over to her mother. This woman is now living in her father’s house (in Mayurbhanj District). So she will return to Mayurbhanj tomorrow with her daughter, said Pushpa Mohapatra member of the Child Protection Committee. The house of the husband of this woman is in Angul district area. The woman said that her husband brought the girl to Hirakud due to a quarrel between husband and wife. The husband was living in Hirakud and working in a hotel. After bringing the girl, he could not look after her and left his hand. Later, a volunteer organization rescued the girl from Hirakud station. Counseling was done after the girl was handed over to the Child Protection Committee. She could not tell the name, village address of his guardian correctly. An advertisement was also given in the newspaper to get the identity of the girl. Her father had already lost his life in an accident. Angul Child Development Committee and Childline Department were also informed. The girl’s guardian did not come. So for the last 2 years she was studying and staying at Rukmani Lath Bal Niketan.