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Sambalpur: A tiger from Chhattisgarh are regularly coming to Debrigarh forest; Chhattisgarh Tiger towards Odisha

Sambalpur: Chhattisgarh Tigers towards Odisha. A tiger from Chhattisgarh regularly comes to Debrigarh in Sambalpur. Now this tiger is in the Debrigarh forest. His photo was captured on camera. It roams in 2 forests of Bargarh including Debrigarh forest. Wildlife PCCF Sushil Kumar Popli informed He said that NTCA has recently recommended Debrigarh be declared a tiger sanctuary. Now the state government has to issue a notification in this regard. Later Debrigarh can become a tiger sanctuary. On the contrary, the forest department has started preparations for Debrigarh. The number of camera traps has increased in Debrigarh. An additional squad has also been sanctioned for whale management at Debrigarh. Even a biologist is being sent there for 10 days every month to help with whale footprint data analysis.

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