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Sambalpur: Bar Association exhibit strength, offices, courts in Sambalpur closed on wednesday

Sambalpur: The Sambalpur District Bar Association, which has been agitating for a permanent bench of the High Court, has shown its strength today. Against the movement, the Registrar of Odisha High Court has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court, taken disciplinary action by the Law Council of India and the State Law Council, and the movement continues as before. Yesterday, all office-courts are closed in Sambalpur due to the agitation of lawyers.

A movement has been going on for many years to establish a permanent bench of the High Court in Sambalpur, Western Odisha. The Central Action Committee of the Western Odisha Bar Association went to the capital Bhubaneswar in September last year as the Chief Minister and the Chief Justice of the High Court did not give time to discuss the matter despite repeated requests. At that time, in a high-level meeting held in the presence of three ministers, it was promised to send the complete proposal soon.

However, due to the government’s silence, the Sambalpur District Bar’s Association has been picketing every Wednesday of the month and disrupting the office-court. In the meantime, the Registrar of Odisha High Court has filed a case in the Supreme Court with the affidavit. However, it did not have any impact on the movement of the Bar Association. Rather, the members of the Bar Association were seen coming down to the movement with full enthusiasm today. In view of the agitation, a large police force was deployed today. Despite this, hundreds of lawyers today picketed in front of various offices along Nelson Mandela Street. The judges were unable to go to court because of the lawyer’s agitation and were turned away from Nelson Mandela Street. Even government officials could not go to office. All government offices were found locked. The movement also had public support.

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