The bhoomi pujan of the ambitious Samalai Yojana was performed here on Friday. Dibya Jyoti Parida Collector Sambalpur, Suryawanshi Mayur Vikas Sub Collector Sambalpur, Anirudha Padhan, OSD & Samalai Yojana, Pravash Ch Dansena, SDA Secretary, Sushanta Sahoo, Asst Collector, Aditya Panda, LAO Sambalpur, Sanjay Baboo, Trust board President and other officials were present on the occasion. The Samalei Yojana (Samaleswari Temple Area Management and Local Economic Initiatives) announced by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik aims beautification and development of the 16th-century Maa Samaleswari Peetha. The Odisha Government has approved Rs 200 crore to implement various development projects under the plan.