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Sambalpur city is turned into Corex hub, Police are involved in the corex business

Sambalpur: Sambalpur, the city of culture, has now become a stronghold hub of drugs corax and cough syrups. From street corners to highways, these illegal Corex peddlers are found everywhere. As the mafia and the police get involved in the Corex business, everyday domestic violence incidents are coming to the fore. There are open complaints about it. Recently, when a complaint was filed in a police station in the city, the matter reached the SP. However, no action has been taken against the inspectors who made the alarm, nor has the Corex trade been closed in the said area.

Daily crates of corex come to the sambalpur city. These corex are coming from the neighboring states of West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand through various routes. Sometimes by train, sometimes by bus and sometimes by cargo truck. While this Corex consignment is arriving at more than 6 depots in Burla, Ainthapali, Dhanupali and Town Thane areas of the city, it is being shipped to other parts of the city in retail form. The illegal correct bottle with an MRP of Rs 90 is being sold at a retail price of Rs 140 to Rs 200 per bottle. Where is Corex coming from, where is it going, and how much is being sold? All the news is with the police. But Sambalpur Police cannot be reached to depot till date or has not been able to catch even one Corex mafia. Far from being a mafia, even small corex retailer has not been arrested by the police.

However, the police are prosecuting the said Corex drinkers to show their picture clear, or those involved in other crimes after showing that they are legitimate traffickers. Where the police are sometimes seized 5 bottles and sometimes 25 bottles. But the game behind it is different. Recently, a complaint was filed against a sub-inspector of Sambalpur SP regarding such an incident. There was an allegation that police babu made a proposal that he could do heavy corex business by paying 40 thousand rupees per month. But even after that no action was taken. On the other hand, in Sambalpur city, more and more youths are falling into the clutches of this corex. On the one hand, for this Corex, the crime in the city has become rampant, while on the other hand, the homes are destroyed due to this corex. Many times, family conflicts are also increasing around this corex.

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