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Sambalpur City: Walls are Attractive and Beautiful but the Roads are in Disordered Situation

Sambalpur: Efforts are underway to beautify the Sambalpur Metropolis. For this, the SMC has various plans. The work of painting on the walls with different awareness about art culture has started. But seeing the condition of the roads in the whole city, people are saying, “The roads are ugly walls are beautiful and there is no mistake in the words of people. Because most of the roads from the main city of Sambalpur have been badly damaged. A few days ago, the Metropolitan Corporation invited tenders to paint the fences to beautify the city. The work was tendered through the SHG Group.

After the SHG group got the tender work, painting has now started on the main streets of the city. This will cost lakhs of rupees like water. Several SHG groups are working by employing painters in different wards. Meanwhile, people repeatedly reported complaints about the roads and drains to the Metropolitan Corporation authorities but nothing is heard about which road has been dug by the sewerage contractors and which road has been dug by the public health department. On the other hand, the roads in various wards have not been repaired for years. The condition of roads in various villages connected to the metropolitan city, the condition of all the major roads in deplorable condition, after many demands, the road work has been stopped in half. The beautification is acceptable but the road condition also needs to be managed.

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