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Sambalpur: Deplorable Condition of Ward No. 7, Neglected after being incorporated into the metropolis

Burla: Burla 7 Ward consists of Kirba, Pathanbandha, Telegupada, Panitanki Pada, Crossarpada, Guhiratikra. Sambalpur has a lot of poor people. The residents of the area have seen a lot of dreams when it was merged into the Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation (SMC), but the residents of the area are complaining that they have been neglected after the merger. Basic facilities are not available for them, there is no good road to go into the land or there is no drainage system for draining the water. “Many elderly, old women, widows and disabled people are deprived of getting allowances. There is no one to listen, even if they go to complain, many improvement works were done during NAC, but after merger with SMC, the schemes implemented earlier have also become unreachable. There were elected representatives in the NAC, and they listened a lot when they complained but There is no election in SMC, no one is represented. officer is ruling in the office. never seen any officer coming to area said residents.

Renovation of the temple is stopped in half

The renovation work of the oldest Jagannath temple in Burla city has stopped halfway. After repeated requests by residents, the administration gave the amount of assistance. In 2019, even when the renovation work was started, half of the working contractors left the work. Since then, the renovation work has been halted in half while the pillar outside is in a dilapidated condition while the water is running over.

Drug trafficking is on the rise

The village is now heavily involved in drug dealing. Marijuana and coffee syrup are being sold openly along with domestic and foreign liquor which is corrupting the youth. Despite repeated complaints, the police and the police department are silent

Pond is not restored

There is only one pond in the village which is in a deplorable condition as it could be used for bathing and other activities of the villagers. But since there is no recovery, it cannot continue the work of the villagers. On the other hand, some land mafias have been trying hard to grab the pond, and the situation has calmed down after the intervention of the police on the complaint of the villagers.

Inaccessible Housing Scheme

There are many poor people in Village. Even though they have been living in that place for many years, they have not been able to get a house lease. Even though they are qualified as non-residents, the government housing scheme remains inaccessible to them Even after repeated requests, no official is listening

There is no cemetery

There is land, there has been a demand for a long time, but till now a cremation ghat could not be built, due to which the people of the area are facing a lot of problems for cremation.

There is no toilet

There is no public toilet in the pada even though it comes under the metropolitan area. Because of which people are forced to defecate in the open, there is also fear of scale bites in many places. It has been demanded to construct toilets as soon as possible.

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