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Sambalpur: Despite the pressure from various politicians and influential people to stop the evictions, the SMC continues Demolition

Sambalpur: About 70 parts of the Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation are under eviction while the main roads are narrowed and the traders who have shops on the roadside are sitting on the road and displaying their goods. As a result, accidents are happening due to the traffic situation. Keeping this in mind, the Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation started the demolition work from the beginning of this year.

Despite the pressure from various politicians and influential people to stop the evictions, the Metropolitan Corporation continues to ignore it. In a recent instance of this, it has been reported that there is pressure on government officials from various quarters to reduce the height from 22 meters or 72 feet to 18 feet. However, on the part of the Metropolitan Corporation, the evictions are continuing on the “not now, never again” policy.

Within a year, Sambalpur will be completely transformed into a metropolitan corporation and the roads will be widened and the traffic problem will be solved permanently, said the Metropolitan Corporation. On the other hand, the limited number of staff in the enforcement department is being obstructed by evictions and raids of plastic polythene and building materials on the road.

The demolition and eviction of the Burla main road started on the 11th, while the eviction is also continuing on the Dhanupali road from Jail Street. Then Fatak – Budharaja – Ainthapali Road, Thakurpada – Central University – Panchgachiya Road, Ashoka Takies – Sakhipada – Sarla Chowk Road, Jail Chowk – Hirakud Colony – Nari Seva Sadan Road, Khetrajpur – Remed Road and Remed – Hirakud Saati Maa Temple Road are planned. It has been informed that the evacuation will be done periodically. On the other hand, due to a lack of departmental coordination, after the joint demolition by the Metropolitan Corporation and the Revenue Department, the widening and beautification of the road is being delayed by the entire department. For a long time, broken concrete bricks have been lying on the road, causing traffic problems during rains.

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