Sambalpur Office: On Wednesday, the eviction started from the Thakurpada railway line to Vikas Hospital. But even after 48 hours of eviction, the road could not be used till Friday evening. There is water on the road. There are complaints of broken pipe water and house drains in the streets. While there is a delay in removing the cement waste from the enforcement department, the public health department is also not showing urgency in repairing the cracked pipe. On the other hand, after a few years, the city of Sambalpur is planning to widen the road from 15 meters to more than 15 meters. The population of Sambalpur city has increased exponentially. The roads and transportation facilities have not been improved accordingly. Big buildings are being built in vacant lots. Every day construction of buildings continues in different areas of Sambalpur. Roads have narrowed due to a lack of planned cities. Since last April, the district administration and the municipal administration have jointly started the work of removing encroachment from the main roads. Jail Chowk – Govindtola – Dhanupali Road, Church Street – Duchurapada and the main road of Burla have been cleared.
The Thakurpada-Panchgachia road, which connects Sambalpur railway station and the national highway, is jammed with traffic almost every day. There are three major schools and Vikas Hospital on this road And it is the main road to connect Ainthapali, Burla, Hirakud area, and Vimsar. In the first phase, roadside encroachment will be removed from the thakurpada-Panchgachia road up to Vikas Hospital, while in the next phase it will be removed from Vikas Hospital to Pachagachia National Highway. However, while the width of 15 meters will be fixed temporarily, it is estimated by the Metropolitan Corporation that it will be necessary to remove it after a few years. Therefore, according to the long-term plan, it is being planned to make a walkway on both sides with the simultaneous widening of the road for the sake of traffic convenience and beautification of the city. However, there is a lot of discussion about the demolition of various large buildings and walls on this road. Apart from this, in some places, when the road is coming up, there is an opinion to construct the road without constructing the drain or the footpath.