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Sambalpur : Four wildlife hunters caught fire in the forest, including dead flying mice, two dead birds, matchbox, etc. were seized

Jujumura: Four poachers were arrested by the forest department on Friday at around 4 pm in the Jamdarah area of ​​the Chamunda-Kushamura reserve forest in the Padiabahal range of Chamunda section. The arrested accused are Ajay Vengra (24), Kiafa Hatipata (27), Kalef Chauria (18), and Sitaram Munda (28). The dead were found in a dead mouse, two dead birds, a matchbox, crystals, stones, and a plastic bag.

According to sources, Chamunda Forester Vikas Bhoi, Guard Rashmiranjan Nath, Antaryami Nag, Juala Topno Chief were on patrol this afternoon when they spotted the accused in the forest in suspicious condition. They were trying to set fire to a forest somewhere in the Jamdarah area.

The above material was found from them after inspection. They set fire to the forest and hunted animals in this way, and they accepted. All are being detained and questioned in the Padiabahal range. They will be arraigned in court tomorrow, the Forest Service said.

, of Kansar village.

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