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Sambalpur: Hookah in the Hands of School-Going Children

Burla: The incident of smoking hookah by some students in a private school in Burla town has become a topic of discussion in the entire district. Surprisingly, the children who hold the hookah are between the 4th and 7th grade. The principal of the school accepted and called the parents of the concerned children. In the state, the youth is corrupt by using not only alcohol but also various harmful drugs. Hookah consumption has now become an alchemy for everyone from children to old people. It has become a trend. A prime example of this can be seen when hookah is seized from the pockets of some students of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th classes in a major private educational institution in Burla City.

The children brought this hookah in their pockets. During the inspection, the school authorities seized it. This hookah has a charging gap. However, a question has been raised about how such young children got such a dangerous product like hookah and how they brought it to school. In addition, the school’s security system and administrative system have been questioned. The authorities have been demanded to pay special attention to ensure the future of the child. The principal of the school acknowledged the incident and said that the parents of the students from whom it was confiscated have been called to the school tomorrow. Asking Dr Shankar Ramchandani, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Vimsar, to find out how dangerous hookah is, the smoke from it affects various parts of the body and causes many diseases. Oral cancer, lung infections, hearing loss, breathing problems, chest infections, loss of taste and it becomes a chronic habit. Especially the student society needs to avoid it. The students said that their parents and school authorities must take steps to keep the students away from it. If you do not avoid it, it is natural that even the precious life will be in danger. However, after the student society using such products came to an end, the parents expressed their opinion that it must be checked in other schools as well.

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