Sambalpur: Sambalpur District Police launched a cyber security awareness campaign on Monday on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. Sambalpur SP Mukesh Bhamoo was present at the district hall “Tapswini”. Mukesh Bhamoo spoke about the purpose of the program, while cybercrime has become a major crime these days, he was of the opinion that digital literacy is needed to survive it. The chief guest, Rengali MLA Nauri Naik, called for joint efforts to prevent fraud in Sambalpur district.
While District Collector Ananya Das gave a cyber awareness message, Padmashri Jitendra Haripal joined as the guest of honor and sang a patriotic song. Northern Revenue Commissioner Dr. Suresh Chandra Dalai spoke about his experience and suggested that one can avoid fraud by taking precautions. DSP Bana Das introduced the guest and gave a welcome speech. After the meeting, the guests inaugurated the cyber security awareness ride. The Rath will go around the entire district to give awareness messages to the people about cyber security. Among the other guests, BJD State General Secretary Siddharth Das, BJP District President Girish Patel, Rengali Block Secretary Satynarayan Agarwal, Kuchinda Deputy District Collector Bibhuti Bhusan Naik, PNB Branch Manager. Many officers of the Sambalpur District Police Department were present and assisted in the management of the program.