Sambalpur: Jujumura block BDO Mr. Nilambar Mahanand has launched a unique initiative to motivate the workers. Going to the workplace himself and working together with the workers. Similarly, the workers are very close to BDO and can openly share their problems with him. His efforts have been welcomed everywhere. Gadloyisingh Panchayat Charpali Pond Excavation and Bandi Jharan Drain work are going on under MNREGA scheme.
On Monday, Mr. Mahanand reached the work site and held discussions with the workers. He understood by asking how the work is going, what is the problem. The workers discussed various problems of the village and demanded early payment of wages. BDO Shri Mahananda said that all problems will be solved. Mr. Mahanand also worked with the workers for some time. The workers refused, but he encouraged them by carrying the women workers’ soil bags. In this connection, Mr. Mahanand said, Prevention of labor problems, trying to improve the financial situation by generating employment. He said that the project was taken up as more workers were employed.