Sambalpur: Kosal Kranti Sena shows the condition of Burla Medical Center by wrapping themselves in bandages and gauge

Sambalpur: Burla Vimsar has many problems. There are many problems in the hospital but they are not being solved. Due to this, the Kosal Kranti Sena issued a demand letter to the District Collector today. It was protested in an innovative way to report the disorder situation to the district administration.
Two workers protested by wrapping themselves in bandages and gauze. They reported the difficulties that a critical patient was facing. However, the claim says that the hospital has very few ICU beds which is insufficient to meet the needs of patients.
Critical patients are being transferred to other hospitals for this. MRI and CT scans do not work which is creating problems for patients. Relatives of patients are not getting proper facilities in hospitals. Many types of medicines are not available when the patients are given medicines under Niramay Yojana. Wheelchairs and stretchers are also a problem.
Therefore, the district administration should take appropriate steps in this direction and the hospital should be improved, demanded the president of Kosala Kranti Sena, Krutarth Pradhan, Sushant Mishra, Sameer Meher, Arpan Naik, Pritam Das, Bishnu Das, Ritik Bagh, Akash Bagh. Issued a Demand letter to the Additional District Magistrate with the purpose of District Magistrate.