Sambalpur: The issue of fake building planning approval has caught the attention of the entire state of Sambalpur. Vinay Sahu, who lives in Gujarati Colony, fell into the trap of this fraud gang and lost Rs 4 lakh, and now Rajendra Padhi of Pattnaikpada has also alleged that he is a victim of the fraud gang. He has filed a complaint in Sambalpur town police station where he was the victim of fraud of lakhs of rupees.
Lakhs extorted from applicants
According to the information, Rajendra Padhi, who is constructing a 2-storied building in Pattnaikpada, has mentioned in his complaint that the Civil Engineer of SDA demanded Rs 1 lakh for the planning permission of that building. Fraud claimed to be a civil engineer of SDA and got the planning permission by paying Rs 1 lakh. He came to know about SDA’s fake building clearance approval from newspaper, then he went to the SDA office and after checking, his 2-storey building planning approval letter was also found to be fake. After finding out that he was a victim of fraud, he filed a complaint in Sambalpur town police station. The police have registered a case and started investigating the incident
SDA Clerk Bulu, who is said to be the mastermind of the fraud, along with Laxminarayan Samal (32) of Old SBI Park Line, Sudshanshu Pati (59) Steno, Ajay Behera (47) of Kaishir, Vikas Jagat (36) of Mahandi vihar, Dambarudhar Tripathi (4) of Kuluthkani were arrested in Khetrajpur by police. No one has been arrested in this case, but the investigation is continuing, said the police.