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Sambalpur: Mandalia Ward No 15 Toilet is damaged, no repairs were made, SMC forgot after constructing the toilet

Sambalpur: The Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation forgot to repair the toilet after damaged. Doors, windows are not repaired after breaking. So people complain that it doesn’t work. People said that the toilet built in Mandalia Ward No. 15 is unusable because it is not being repaired. The toilet door is broken. Toilet Pan is broken. It is difficult to live in a smelly and dirty environment. So people are wondering how toilet will be used. Not only Mandalia, many toilets built by SMC in different places in the city have the same situation, where the people are taking responsibility for it, they are in good condition and where there are disorder situation, they are getting damaged.

So SMC has been demanded to pay attention to this. On the other hand, in some of the city’s decently built toilets, the problem is also seen. It is alleged that people are being charged more money than the stipulated price. The fixed price for toilets in SMC near the PhD campus is Rs.5. But they has been accused of taking 10 rupees.

The SMC officials said that the local people are responsible for the destruction of the toilet. The SMC constructed the toilet. It is protected by local people. However, if it is broken in some places. It will be repaired immediately. In addition, SMC informed that if more than the prescribed price is charged in any respect, then we will take strict action.

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