Sambalpur: Medical students of the Government Homeopathic College and Hospital in Majhipali, Sambalpur have locked the college with various demands. For this, they protested by wearing a black batch from last 18th. Not only a day or two but even after years, the government did not take any steps to fulfill the demands of homeopathic college students. Therefore, the college will be locked today and the college will not be opened until the demands are met. Many homeopathic doctor posts are vacant in the state. However, the government is not in a hurry to fulfill it. For 4.5 crore people in the state, posts like MBBS, and Nursing are being created. They alleged that the state government is not creating employment opportunities for students studying homeopathy.
While a dispensary was opened in the state in 2022, no new dispensary has been opened even though the population has increased. Even though there is a rule of one dispensary per 5 thousand population, it is not being followed. Even after 2002, no new posts have been created. Earlier, the state government has asked the health department many times for this. But nothing is working. Therefore they locked the college and protested because the government did not take any kind of steps.
The college will remain locked until the demands are not met. On the other hand, the staff and the dean were outside the office due to locked in the college.