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Sambalpur: Minority Forest Products providing Income, 7590 people got 8 crores

Sambalpur: The only means of livelihood of the people living in the hinterland and inaccessible areas is minor forest farming.

6 crores of Sal Seeds, 26 thousand Harida, and 2 crores of Tamarind have been collected

Everyone is worried about employment There is a problem of employment everywhere, whether in the city or in the rural areas. Forests are slowly being destroyed. In such a situation, the problem is increasing even among the people who make their livelihoods based on the forest products collected from the forest. Like other fruits and vegetables, wild fruits flower depending on the weather. Sometimes it accumulates in large quantities and sometimes in small quantities. However, during the last 3 years, more than Rs. 8 crores of Harida, Ta,marind and Sal Seed have been collected from the Sambalpur district.

Tribal Development Cooperative Corporation (TDCC) Sambalpur branch has informed that Rs. 6 crores of Shalammanji, Rs. 6 crore of Sal Seeds, Rs 2 crore of tamarind and Rs 26 thousand of Harida have been collected.

According to the departmental information, during the last 3 years, in the current year 2023-24, the maximum amount of minor forest products has been collected. 7590 people have sold 8 crore 60 lakh 72 thousand 420 different types of small forest products through 70 SHGs in different districts of the district. 6 crore 3 lakh 57 thousand 800 rupees 30 thousand 178 among the goods. 99 quintals of sal seeds have been collected from 5787 people. Similarly, 735.55 quintals of Tamarind were collected from 1783 people for 2 crore 56 lakh 87 thousand 980 rupees and 17.76 quintals of Harida were collected from 20 people for 26 thousand 640 rupees. The department has said that this is more than the amount of minor forest produce that was collected in the previous years. In the last year 2021-22, 407.18 quintals of sal seeds were collected from 210 people, 20.70 quintals of Harida from 8 people and 1272.46 quintals of tamarind from 276 people. Similarly, in 2022-23, 1589.27 quintals of Tamarind and 42.72 quintals of Harida were collected from 1614 people and 23 people.

All arrangements have been made by the district administration for the collection of minor forest produce. TDCC is collecting these materials from people through SHGs. Ormas is providing all support in this work. Ayurveda is unique in the Indian medical system. As Brahmin Ayurvedic treatment has become global, the demand for herbal products used in Ayurveda has also increased. For this reason, it has become a means of earning money for the poor people living in rural areas, especially those living near the forest and migration. If this scheme is implemented in such a way that it can be collected from a large number of people, it will strengthen the rural economy.

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