Sambalpur: After the violence in Sambalpur during Hanuman Jayanti, the police administration announced a religious crackdown for one year. In spite of all this, when processions and parades were held in different areas during the last Muharram, why the strict restrictions of the administration during the celebration of the Hindu society? Today, the BJP leaders met the SP and questioned the decision of the police administration and strongly demanded to withdraw the restrictions and allow Kalas Jatra and Visarjan procession during Durga Puja.
Today, a delegation led by BJP district president Girish Patel met the SP and sought permission for Kalas Jatra and Visarjan procession during Durga Puja. He said that there is an atmosphere of peace in Sambalpur due to the grace of Goddess Maa Samaleshwari. However, unrest and violence are sometimes caused by some of the vagrants. Durga Puja festival is organized in different parts of Sambalpur city. Before Puja rituals, Kalas Jatra used to involve a large number of men and women, while the Visarjan procession was also organized with great show and pomp, now the administration has a crackdown on all processions.
If, during the Muharram, Processions, and Akhda are permitted in different areas, It has been said in written form that why is this severe crackdown on Hindu society unacceptable to Hindu sentiments and traditions? Demanding that such restrictions be withdrawn, senior leaders Damodar Kar, Karthik Prasad Bohidar, Annapurna Barik, Salila Panda, Shivkumar Agarwal, Girija Sahu, Ashwini Majhi, Sarojini Banchore, Bhavani Dusar held key discussions with the SPs.
BJP meets SP
It is worth noting that yesterday, the former district BJP president and the former president of the District Attorney’s Association Dr. Pramod Rath also requested the District Magistrate and SP to reconsider the decision and give permission for Durga Puja Visarjan procession. However, as the administration has been ignoring the demands of the people, there has been discontent among the people. The administration has called a peace and reconciliation committee meeting for Durga Puja and Diwali tomorrow.