Sambalpur: Sambalpur has won gold and silver medals in the State-Level Best Fitness Pageant organized on Sunday at Paradeep of the state. Athletes participated in both male and female categories on behalf of Sambalpur Amateur Body Building Association. Urmila Behera in the women’s category, Rakesh Bagh in the men’s 60 kg category won Gold Medal and Sanjay Banarjee in the men’s 80 kg category won Silver medal.
Gold Medalist Rakesh Bagh will represent the Odisha team in the National Level Championship to be held in Uttarakhand on April 14th and 15th. For this success of the Sambalpur team, the president of the association, Bishambar Bohidar, Secretary Sisir Bohidar, Coach Somnath Patnaik and Sports Lover wishes and congratulated them.