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Sambalpur Powerlifting Championship, Jaydev and Urmila Champions

Sambalpur Powerlifting Association has announced the championship in Mali Pada. The competition was inaugurated by International Mates Sportsperson Rekha De, Sangeeta Oram, Indrajit Bagh, Journalist Viraj Kumar Mishra, Shishir Kumar Bahidhar, Raja Patnaik and Bablu Pradhan as the Chief Guest. 41 contestants from the district participated in both male and female categories. The competition was held under the supervision of International Power Leaping Athlete Somnath Patnaik. In the men’s category, Rakesh Mahatab won first place in 59 kg, Jaydev Pujahari was first in the 66 kg category, Pradeep Vishwala was first in the 74 kg category and Hassan Khan won first place in the 83 kg category. Subrata Pujahari won first place in the men’s 93 kg category, Pinaki Nepal won first place in the 105 kg category and Ashish Ranjan Baba won first place in the 105 kg category. In the women’s category, Gemini Bagh won first place in the 63 kg category, Urmila Behera won first place in the 69 kg category and Swagtik Samantray won first place in the 84 kg category. In the competition, male Jaydev Pujahari and Urmila Behera became the champion of the women’s category. The competition was supported by Secretary Sudhir Patnaik, Sunita Naik, Kishan Singh, and Sumit Meher. Ananya Nayak and Ashish Mahanand at the award ceremony Attended as a guest and presented the award.

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