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Sambalpur: Protest Biased behaviour Towards Vssut , MP Suresh Pujari wrote a letter to the Chief Minister

Sambalpur: The state government has given Rs 1,500 crore to OUTR at a time, while ignored 66 year old technical college Veer Surendre Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) . Bargarh MP Suresh Pujari has written a letter to the Chief Minister protesting against the incident and demanding a similar grant to Vssut.

In 1956, the UCE was established in Burla for technical education in Odisha. It grant a university status and rename as VSSUT. Vssut is the only university in the country with which ISRO has signed an agreement to set up its own branch for space research. The students of Idea and Innovation Cell have overtaken various major technical institutes in India and won national awards and made the institution and Odisha proud.

However, the development of this educational institution has not been as smooth as it should have been. The condition of classrooms, laboratories, and dormitories has deteriorated. Lessons are taught in the laboratory with old equipments. There is no high-quality equipments for research. The number of staff quarters for teachers and staff at the time of establishment of the institution is still the same today. There is a lot of work to be done to develop infrastructure, to provide research facilities. Just as steps have been taken to modernize OUTR, there is a need for Vssut. He urged the Chief Minister to take steps to make Visut‌ a center of excellence.

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