Burla: A 6-year-old child suffering from blood cancer in Burla Medical Pediatric Department, Patnagarh, required 4 platelets of O-Negative blood category. After the family searched everywhere and became disappointed, Bargarh contacted the Nistha Team. Ashwini Tripathi of Nistha team informed Ramdas Panda of Sambalpur Sambal Institute to help the patient. However, after receiving the news, Sambal’s regular blood donor Gopal Meher was brought to Burla to collect O-negative blood. One O-negative blood unit was also collected from Amit Agarwal of Khetrajpur. Similarly, a patient from Devagarh needed rare AB-negative blood. Realizing this, Santak Panda, a regular blood donor of the resource, has also shown greatness by donating a unit of AB-negative blood.