Sambalpur: For the former chancellor of Sambalpur University Prof. Sanjiv Mittal, the odds have increased. The governor’s office has directed the chancellor of Sambalpur University to take necessary action on the matter of financial irregularities against him. During his tenure as Chancellor of Sambalpur University, Professor Mittal transferred about Rs 29 lakhs of the Swachh School Project campaign fund to the bank accounts of his wife and son in two stages. A team headed by Virendra Korkora, Additional Secretary, Department of Higher Education, investigated the incident on the instructions of the Governor’s office. After the investigation, possibly under pressure, Prof. Mittal returned the said money and suddenly went on leave for the first three periods. Later, he resigned from the post of Chancellor citing health reasons.
However, legal action was demanded against him. The ex-syndicate members, lawyers wrote a letter to the state government along with the Vice-Chancellor’s office. During the tenure of Prof. Mittal, there were allegations of a lot of bribery and also demanded an audit of all types of purchases and other works. Later, Virendra Korkora, Additional Secretary of Higher Education Department of the state government, wrote a letter (39515/17.9.2022) to the Chancellor of the University last September 17, wanting to know whether any action has been taken against Professor Mittal. If any action has been taken, he advised immediate notification in relation to it. The Registrar also immediately sent a reply to the letter. However, the higher education department remained silent.
Lately, the chancellor’s office has mentioned this financial irregularity and instructed the Chancellor to take necessary action at his own level. Everyone is watching what action the Registrar is taking in this case.