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Sambalpur: Subhra Swagatika won the “Nuakhai Nani” title

Sambalpur: Bargarh’s Subhra Swagatika Sahu has won the ‘Nuakhai Nani’ title. Sujata Oram from Sambalpur is the runner up. On the occasion of Nuakhai on Thursday, the name of the winner was announced and the award was given. For the first time, the reality show ‘Nuakhai Nani-Season 1’ has been held in the joint venture of Panini Pragya Productions and RK Media during the Western Odisha’s Ganaparba Nuakhai. 12 contestants between the ages of 15 and 25 selected from various districts of West Odisha participated in this event held at Sambalpur Panthnivas. Contestants participated in 4 rounds and showcased their talents. On Thursday, the winning contestants were awarded trophies, certificates and gifts along with cash prizes. In addition, it was announced that free training will be given in audio visual platform and free training in Panini Pragya AC Class. At the inauguration of the program, Panini Pragya, Rajkishore Mallik, Journalist Devan Patel, Actor Pramod Mohapatra, Actress Manini Mahana, Social activist Jaylal Behera, PK Academy’s Prakash Dang, Chanprabha Pradhan, Shaswati Sethi, Rajeev Gand, Lipika Vivar, Chetana Behera, Shantanu Sahu, Shamal Sahu, Tinku Tingalu, KANSAC and Saubhagyalakshmi Das participated prominently. Manisha Mohapatra, Arpita Pujari, Mimansha Rath and Panini Pragya were the judges in the competition while Arpita Behera presented the show. The program was held under the supervision of Shantanu Hota.

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