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Sambalpur: The entire police department is not guilty for one person: Havildar Constables Association condemns Jay’s statement

Sambalpur: Controversy over the return of PSOs or private security guards is on the rise. Sambalpur MLA and Leader of Opposition in the state assembly Jai Narayan Mishra returned his PSO yesterday. Mr. Mishra said that there is no hope for Odisha Police after Health Minister Shri Naba kishore Das was shot dead by the Police ASI. The PSO was negligent in discharging its responsibilities. However, the PSO has been suspended for this. Sambalpur Havildar Constable Association called a press conference on Saturday and condemned Jay Narayan’s statement. Ramdas Panda, president of Sambalpur Havildar Constable Association, demanded that Jai Narayan withdraw his statement at the press conference. Earlier on Friday, the State Havildar Constables Association had also made a similar demand. Ramdas Panda condemned the death of the Health Minister in the firing of police ASI as sad. However, he opined in the press conference that it is not right for one police officer to blame the entire police department.

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