Sambalpur: The incident of a midnight party in a garden on the outskirts of Sambalpur city has become a topic of discussion. It is said that the party is thrown by an ambitious & powerful madam and organised by Police officer is in charge of the coordinator.
Selected high-ranking officers of big companies, some government officials in positions of honor, some businessmen, and candle smugglers are joining this party. Organizers, coordinators and participants are busy in the fun while the party goes on till late night. All kinds of facilities for entertainment are said to be available here.
While this Police officer has already been included in the list of complaints. Many complaints have already come to the fore in his name. He is back in the limelight since he started handling the responsibilities as the coordinator of this midnight party. The party starts late at night after the city goes to sleep.
The most important thing is that among the people involved in this party, the number of southerners is said to be higher. Not only that but it is said that big business deals are also done when the party is in full swing. Although this midnight party is not a new phenomenon, after the addition of the new coordinator, there is a lot of night time gathering and business is going on in full swing. On the other hand, after being embroiled in many controversies, the organizer Madam is said to have settled for a party with double benefits considering it as profits.