The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has arrested eight people, including Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Aryan Khan, for holding a rave party and founding dooms in Kuz. Aryan was detained along with seven others while having a rave party in a cruise going from Mumbai to Goa on Saturday night. NCB had found narcotics like cocoa, charas and MD from everyone.
Were doing rave party with my friends in a cooze going from Mumbai to Goa
NCB arrested 75,000 rupees were taken to join the party was sent into custody. After this, the NCB also arrested five more people involved in the case, Nupur Sarika, Ismeet Singh, Mohk Jaiswal, Vikrant Chhokar, Gomit Chopra. It is learned that Rs 75,000 was taken from those who attended it for the rave party. NCB chief SN Pradhan says that this action is the result of the investigation going on for two weeks.
NCB had reached Mumbai on Sunday morning with all the detained, Aryan Khan and his two friends – Munmun Dharmacha and Arbaaz Merchant were arrested after interrogation. The NCB produced these three in the Metropolitan Magistrate’s court, from where they were given a day’s custody.
This is how the NCV team approached the partying people
During investigation, NCB came to know about a rave party in a cruise from Mumbai to Goa.
Based on the information, Mumbai NCB’s Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede with his team
Becoming a normal passenger, boarded the cruise.
The party begins as soon as the cooze leaves Mumbai . At the same time, the team raided and took into custody eight people who were consuming hugs.
Narcotics Control Euro (NCB) officials taking Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan (center) for questioning.