Sambalpur: Today, the Commissioner of Sambalpur Municipal Corporation (SMC) visited Bhalupali in response to requests from local residents. During this visit, he also toured Tileimal to understand the challenges faced by people in these areas.
Local Issues Highlighted
While touring, the residents expressed a variety of pressing concerns to the Commissioner. They raised issues related to poor road conditions, irregular water supply, inadequate drainage systems, and ineffective garbage management. These issues were affecting their daily lives, so they sought immediate solutions.
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Commissioner’s Assurances
The Commissioner listened carefully to all the grievances and assured the residents that the problems would be resolved promptly. He gave firm instructions to the concerned officials to monitor these areas regularly and take swift action to address the issues.
Support from Local Leaders
Accompanying the Commissioner during this visit were the local ward corporator, senior SMC officials, and other authorities. Their presence highlighted the seriousness of the initiative and reassured the residents about future improvements.
The local community warmly welcomed the Commissioner’s efforts and expressed hope that their concerns would soon be resolved. They appreciated this proactive step and anticipated significant improvements in the quality of life in their areas.