Sambalpur: Brajrajnagar-born Tanishq Singh will represent Odisha in the Femina Miss India pageant this year. After multiple rounds of auditions and auditions, the 19-year-old Tanishq is considered the ‘Femina Miss India Odisha’, beating other contestants. The announcement came after the final audition in Mumbai last Saturday. She will now compete with 30 other beauties of the country for the Femina Miss India title. 28 people from 28 states, including Odisha, one from Jammu and Kashmir, one from Delhi and one from all other union territories are eligible to take part in the competition.
She will represent the state in the Miss India pageant.
She is in Bangalore for two months for femina education. As a child, Tanishq was a talented speaker and presenter for various stages of Miss India. Registration for India began last February in a prestigious competition such as the Femina Miss Pacific. Will represent India. As a resident of Bangalore, Taniska had applied on behalf of the daughter of Amar Singh, a native of Brajrajnagar, Karnataka state. For Karnataka, Tanishq DAV Ib Thermal, Banharpalli, Saint 4 were shortlisted while 5 Mary Jharsuguda from Odisha, St Mary Jajpur, Saint one were selected and went to various schools in Mumbai for audition for Lawrence Talcher. There he read his own state text to Tanishq. She passed the +2 from Delhi Public School No. 8 and was selected as the Femina Miss Odisha.