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Sambalpur: Young Woman Helps Needy Patients; Donates Rs. 3,500 to Poor Patients After Her Treatment at Vimsar

Sambalpur: A young woman has drawn attention for distributing her leftover money to poor patients after receiving treatment at Vimsar. The woman, identified as Sandhya Rani Bhoi from Godbhaga village in Bargarh district, came to Vimsar’s medicine outpatient department for treatment.

After her treatment, she planned to donate her remaining funds to Dr. Shankar Ramchandani’s “Tankikia Clinic,” a clinic known for helping the poor. However, Dr. Ramchandani suggested that she distribute the money among needy patients since the clinic currently did not require funds.

Following this advice, Sandhya Rani gave Rs. 500 to one patient and distributed the remaining Rs. 3,500 to the residents of Burla’s Leprosy colony, offering much-needed assistance to those in need.

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