Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: SMC Sambalpur launches 21-Day Cleanliness Campaign, Awareness Program Ongoing in Schools

Sambalpur: To improve the beauty of Sambalpur, the Municipal Corporation plans to launch a 21-day cleanliness campaign soon. Currently, 150 vehicles are used for garbage collection throughout the city, with over a thousand laborers, supervisors, and other employees involved. This effort costs about lakhs of rupees per month. Despite these measures, the issue of bad odor persists. As a result, the Municipal Corporation has decided to take its own initiatives to raise public awareness.

This month, special programs will take place in eight wards. For the first seven days, people will be educated on how to separate dry and wet waste, as well as other related topics. The next seven days will be dedicated to improving existing garbage collection systems.

Fines for littering in designated areas will be imposed during the final seven days, according to the SMC. In addition, the SMC has taken steps to raise student awareness by organizing awareness programs in various schools. According to Deputy Commissioner Shankar Sahu, the Commissioner and other officials are visiting schools to educate students on the importance of cleanliness.

Untidy Government Offices

It is said that the washerman’s wash area can reveal the cleanliness of a village. Cleanliness has long been an issue in Sambalpur. The district administration and Municipal Corporation are constantly concerned about how to keep the city clean and beautiful, and they are taking various steps to achieve this. Despite these efforts, the SMC struggles with cleanliness, and even government offices remain untidy.

The District Council Office hosts a variety of administrative meetings and programs on a regular basis, attended by officers from various blocks. Snacks and beverages are provided at these events, but leftover waste has not been properly cleaned. Empty water bottles and food wrappers are frequently found scattered around. Despite the fact that this situation has existed for a long time, cleaning activities are not carried out adequately.

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