Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Vimsar’s Free Care Challenged; Allegations of Patients Being Forced to Buy Medicines from Outside During Surgery

Sambalpur: Despite claims of free treatment at the Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (Vimsar), patients are being forced to buy medications elsewhere. Naveen Das, a journalist and Kuluthkani resident raised serious allegations about his father’s surgery at Vimsar’s Orthopedic Department, highlighting the disparity between promised free services and actual practice.

The Allegation: Treatment Came at a Cost

On September 5, Naveen Das took his father, Prahlad Das, to Vimsar after he fell and required immediate leg surgery. Following an evaluation, doctors from the Orthopedic Department advised surgery. Instead of the promised free treatment, Das claims that the system was riddled with unofficial fees and demands.

From the moment he entered the operating room on a stretcher, a fourth-class staff member asked him for money. Although he paid, like most patient relatives, the demand for payment did not stop there.

Shocking: Essential Medicines to Be Purchased Externally

One of the most disturbing aspects of the ordeal was that hospital staff allegedly told Das to get anesthesia injections and other necessary medications from outside the hospital right before the surgery. At that point, two familiar doctors from the department arrived and confirmed that the necessary medication was available within the hospital, preventing further external purchases.

Das, as a journalist with connections within Vimsar, managed to avoid purchasing medicines from outside sources. However, he emphasized that most patients do not have this benefit and are frequently forced to make such purchases.

Widespread Complaints

Das emphasized that many patients face similar challenges, with money being demanded at various stages of their treatment. He claimed that, despite the fact that the hospital’s dispensaries and health centers are well-stocked with medicines and injections, patients are still being forced to buy them from outside sources under false pretenses.

Hospital’s Response

Dr. Braja Sahu, head of Vimsar’s Orthopedic Department, denied receiving any complaints about financial transactions within the department. He stated that Vimsar provides free healthcare and strictly prohibits any monetary transactions. However, he urged patients to report such incidents as soon as possible.

Naveen Das urged hospital officials to investigate the situation, urging transparency and fairness for all patients receiving treatment at Vimsar.

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