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Odisha’s First Bone Bank Becomes Operational; Free Bones to be Available Like Blood

A new chapter has begun in Odisha’s healthcare system. SCB Medical College now operates a Bone Bank, also known as a Bone Repository. As the college’s Orthopedic Department’s Chief Guest, Health Minister Mukesh Mahaling inaugurated this facility.

Significance of the Bone Bank

With the establishment of this Bone Bank, the treatment of bone-related diseases will improve significantly. This is the first facility of its kind in the state’s government hospitals. Furthermore, bones from cadavers will be collected for accident victims and those who require bone grafts. These collected bones will be stored in the Bone Bank and used for transplantation into other bodies as needed. According to the Health Minister, bones will be made available to patients at no cost, just like blood.

Benefits for Patients

SCB Medical performs more than 500 bone surgeries each year. With this Bone Bank, collected bones will be stored in freezers and used as needed. Nirmal Mahapatra, the head of the Orthopedic Department, explained that the collected bones will aid in major surgeries, particularly for cancer patients who frequently lose bone fragments. Instead of discarding the removed bones, they can now be saved and reused.

The First of Its Kind in the State

This is the state’s first Bone Bank, and it is expected to serve a large number of patients. People who require bone transplants, particularly accident victims and cancer patients, will be able to receive them at no cost. The initiative represents a significant advancement in medical care for the state of Odisha, providing a new lifeline to patients in need.

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