Sambalpur: Be careful if you are shopping online

Sambalpur: Cyber fraudsters are spreading their net every day by finding new ways to cheat people. Many people fall into their trap and are also victims of fraud. Be careful when shopping online. Cyber fraudsters have now started cheating people through online shopping platforms. A man from Sambalpur has alleged that he was a victim of cyber fraud. Using his account, the fraudster placed an order of Mobile of Rs 37, 000 in EMI from Gujarat.
Gokulananda Sahu of Padhanpali under Sambalpur Sadar police station opened an account on Flipkart for online shopping less than 5 years ago. Using his Flipkart account, the cyber fraudster placed a mobile order of Rs 37,000 through EMI on May 21. While ordering a mobile worth Rs 37,068 in Praveen’s name, the address was given in Gujarat. On May 22, the fraudster from Vadodara, Gujarat also received the mobile phone from Flipkart. The said amount was deducted from Gokula’s Flipkart Pay Later. After learning about this, he lodged a written complaint at the Sadar police station and the police registered a case and started investigating the incident.