Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Alarming Condition at Urban Health Centers; Security Guards Acting as Doctors

Introduction to the Issue

Sambalpur: A few months ago, an image from VIMSAR (Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research) in Western Odisha showed a security guard taking blood pressure. A similar scenario has emerged on the outskirts of Sambalpur city. A security guard was observed measuring patients’ blood pressure at the Chaunrapur Urban Primary Health Centre, a task that only trained medical professionals should perform. This shocking incident happened on the 12th of this month when a concerned citizen went to the health center for treatment. To their surprise, they noticed the security guard taking the blood pressure of all incoming patients.

Routine Practice of Improper Care

This procedure has become routine, with the security guard consistently assisting patients in this manner. The absence of proper medical staff is evident, as the center frequently lacks trained professionals. While we can only speculate on how well a non-medical individual, such as a security guard, performs such tasks, this raises serious concerns about patient safety. The problem is not unique to Chaunrapur; many other urban health centers experience similar negligence in healthcare services.

Urban Health Centers Understaffed

Sambalpur’s municipal area includes approximately nine urban health centers. Only three or four of these are staffed with regular doctors, while the majority are understaffed. Doctors at these centers rotate through the facilities, visiting some for three days and others for four, leaving many without medical personnel on other days. Pharmacists solely run many of these centers, resulting in significant delays and compromises in treatment.

Risk to Patient Safety

The lack of consistent medical staffing endangers patients’ lives. It is no secret that some patients must rely on pharmacists or security guards for basic health checks and services, which amounts to risking their lives in the name of healthcare. The situation in rural health centers, where medical resources are already scarce, could deteriorate even further.

Call for Immediate Action

The government designed urban health centers to alleviate pressure on overburdened district hospitals by providing quality care closer to people’s homes. However, without a sufficient number of doctors and medical personnel, these facilities are practically useless. Concerned citizens have expressed their outrage, demanding the immediate recruitment of doctors and staff at urban health centers.

If the situation in urban health centers is this bad, just imagine what it is like in rural areas. Immediate action is required to address staffing shortages and ensure proper patient care.

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