Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Ceiling Collapses in Vimsar’s CT Scan Room During Patient’s Examination

Sambalpur: The ceiling collapsed in Vimsar’s CT scan room while a patient was being examined. Fortunately, the patient was unharmed because the machine was immediately turned off. Water had accumulated on the ceiling, which could have caused a short circuit.

Incident Details

Another incident took place today at Vimsar. While a patient’s health was being scanned in the CT scan room, the ceiling collapsed. Fortunately, the debris did not fall on the patient, but instead on the machine. Water from the ceiling had also fallen. A major disaster was averted thanks to the machine’s immediate shutdown. Otherwise, water could have caused a short circuit, according to Professor Dr. B. B. Panda of the department. Following the incident, CT scan services at Vimsar will be suspended until the room has been repaired.

Previous Issues and Immediate Actions

According to the information, the CT scan room is on the ground floor of the Vimsar outpatient building. Water had been seeping through the ceiling for a long time, causing damage, even though it was made of wood. Despite complaints of water seeping and accumulating on the ceiling, no repairs were made.

Today, a young man from the medicine department was taken to the CT scan room for an examination. Around 6 p.m., the patient was placed on the machine’s bed. When the switch was pressed to begin the scan, the ceiling collapsed. Some debris landed on the machine, and water poured around it. Staff immediately turned off the machine, avoiding a major accident and saving the patient inside. The presence of water also increased the risk of a short circuit.

Questions Raised

Questions have been raised about why the ceiling was not repaired despite previous damage from water seepage. Many of the rooms at Vimsar have damaged and cracked wooden ceilings, but no repairs have been prioritized. There have been allegations that patients’ lives are in danger. Immediate attention is needed to repair all damaged ceilings in Vimsar.

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