Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Corruption Unveiled; Old Rajghat Grill Stolen; Big SMC Official Involved!

Sambalpur Municipal Corporation faces scandal as senior official allegedly sells valuable iron materials from demolished Rajghat without tender. Millions in proceeds pocketed, engineering department silenced. Commissioner unavailable for comment on corruption allegations.

Sambalpur: Disappearance of Rajghat Materials: The old Rajghat was demolished for the Samlei project. Many secured grills and iron materials were brought to the old Sambalpur Municipal Corporation (SMC) office. However, after a few days, all the materials vanished. Even after extensive searching by the engineering officer, nothing was found. Investigation revealed the name of a senior official, leaving everyone silent. No one dares to question or confront the official. The Sambalpur Municipal Corporation’s engineering department is in trouble right now.

Unauthorized Sale and Pocketed Profits

The SMC usually sells old materials through a tender process. However, the senior officer secretly sold these items without a tender, pocketing approximately 4-5 lakh rupees. An outsourcing employee also helped with this act.

Silence and Power Dynamics in SMC

Everyone remains silent because the official is a current favorite of the SMC Commissioner. This officer now holds significant power, supervising a lucrative department. As a result, despite being aware of the theft, the engineering department has yet to speak up about the missing grills.

Engineering Department’s Dilemma

After being demolished, the iron grills that surrounded the old Rajghat were stored in the old SMC warehouse. An outsourcing employee saw this iron and persuaded a senior officer to sell it all. The proceeds were split, with the senior officer taking the majority and the employee pocketing the rest. This incident has now become a hot topic in the new SMC office. The Sambalpur Municipal Corporation Commissioner has not yet responded to this misconduct by the officer.

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