Sambalpur: Flood water is being discharged from the Hirakud Reservoir through 12 gates, water level is 620.58 feet by 9 am today

Sambalpur: The water level of Hirakud reservoir is continuously increasing. The water level of Hirakud Reservoir was 620.58 feet at 9 am on Saturday and reached 617.93 feet at 6 pm on Friday. Now 4 lakh 88 thousand 735 cusecs of flood water is entering there.
Notably, 10 gates were opened in 2 phases today due to the increasing water inflow rate in Hirakud Reservoir yesterday. Earlier 2 gates were open. After 12:00 noon, 5 more gates were opened. Similarly, 5 gates were ordered to be opened again at 5 pm. At 6 pm, 4,78,815 cusecs of water were entering the reservoir. At that time, a total of 2,16,735 cusecs of water was being released from the reservoir. 1,85,724 cusecs of water through the 12 gates of the reservoir and 31,002 cusecs of water through the power channel have been released into the river. 1,735 cusecs of water have been diverted to canals for irrigation. Out of that, 1375 cusecs in the Bargarh canal, 320 cusecs in the Gham canal, and 40 cusecs in the Sambalpur distributary are being discharged from the reservoir. Chhattisgarh received heavy rain in less than two days. Due to the flood situation, Chhattisgarh has released water from its various reservoirs and the gates of the barrages on the river have been opened. However, not so good rain today at the upper end. Therefore, there is a considerable possibility of a reduction in the rate of water infiltration into the Diamond Reservoir.