Sambalpur: Unregulated Reliance Smart Store Sparks Parking Chaos; Locals Demand Action

Sambalpur: Parking in Sambalpur has become a major issue, exacerbated by an increase in the number of vehicles and population growth. The proliferation of shopping malls, seemingly without regard for appropriate laws, only worsened the problem. One glaring example is the unauthorized operations of the Reliance Smart Store on the Fatak-Budharaja route, which has caused trouble to residents in over five areas.
The parking space in front of the Reliance smart store, although available, presents challenges with its elevated terrain and a drain running through it. Additionally, the presence of a truck occupying space further complicates parking arrangements. Customers resort to parking on the roadside due to these obstacles. The adjacent SMC’s garbage dustbin worsens the situation by hindering normal traffic activities, especially during busy hours.
The consequent congestion has resulted in unexpected roadblocks, causing inconvenience for residents of Malipada, Gopalmal, Danipali, Thakurpada, Khetrajpur, and Deheripali. The SMC authorities are asked to address this situation as soon as possible to alleviate the challenges that the local population is facing.