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Government Bulldozers to Target Illegal Encroachments by Influential Individuals on Public Land: Minister

Minister Suresh Pujari’s Announcement

During a press briefing in Sambalpur, Revenue Minister Suresh Pujari announced that government bulldozers will soon target illegal constructions on public land, especially those built by influential individuals. This comes after similar actions in various parts of the country.

Illegal Constructions to be Demolished

Minister Pujari stated that wealthy and influential people, including some officials, have constructed tall buildings on public land. The government will demolish these structures soon, Minister Pujari warned. He emphasized that while the focus was previously on removing small encroachments by poor people, it will now shift to targeting powerful individuals.

Addressing Past Actions

Pujari highlighted that in the past, the government demolished many small constructions on minor land portions. He pointed out that influential people had taken over government land, and it is crucial to address these illegal encroachments. “We have seen many influential individuals and officials occupying public land. This will not be tolerated anymore,” he said.

Government Directives

Previously, the Odisha government had instructed district collectors to remove illegal encroachments from public land in both urban and rural areas. Now, the focus is on more significant illegal constructions by influential individuals.

Urgent Measures

Pujari assured that the government lacks records of many of these encroachments, so they will take urgent measures to address the issue. He called for immediate action to demolish these illegal structures and reclaim public land.

Final Warning

The use of bulldozers will be a key strategy in reclaiming public land and enforcing the law.

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