Hirakud records 2.08 lac bird species, while 19 new species of exotic birds were identified

Sambalpur: The Hirakud (ହୀରାକୁଦ) Reservoir has a record number of 280,000 birds this year. Last year, the number was 128,000. Similarly, a record 104 species of birds have been identified this year as compared to the previous year, including 16 new species of exotic birds that have never been seen before in Hirakud, said DFO Anshu Pragya Das, nodal officer for bird counting (ପକ୍ଷୀ ଗଣନା).
Among the newcomers this time around are Black Betern, Peregrine Falcon, Swift, Blackheaded Ibis, Rudy Crack, White Belid Sea Eagle, Fulvos Whispering Duck, Pied Buschart, Long Tailed Srick, Striated Heron, Pedfield Pipit, Black Shoulder Kite, Beers Pochard, Western Yellow Waigtail, Nav Bill Dock, Siberian Ruby Throat, Red Wing Busch Lark, Crested Lark and Green Sandpiper.
The highest number of birds visited Hirakud this year was the laser whistling duck, with a maximum of 52,338. According to the census, the number of toughted duck arrivals was 27,677, the Common Kut 21,244, the Little Cormorent 13,076, and the Red Crested Pochard 11,220.
The increase in the number of birds in Hirakud has encouraged birdwatchers and environmentalists alike. This year, the bird count is 34 square kilometers which is higher than in previous years thats why Experts believe that the number of birds has increased. This year, 533 sq km of Hirakud Reservoir including 5.7 sq. Km of Power Channel were birds counted in a total area of 539 square kilometers.
The count, which took place on the 8th, was attended by about 100 enumerators, including 36 experts. The entire watershed is divided into 15 sectors and birds were counted in 30 boats.