How can heart disease be detected early? Find out what expert Dr. Ramakant Panda has to say

Every year September 29th is celebrated as World Heart Day. On this occasion, worldwide awareness is created about this issue and everyone is encouraged to keep their heart healthy. This year the theme of Heart Day is ‘Use Heart, Know Heart‘. For this one should recognize the symptoms along with self-observation. As the number of untimely deaths is increasing, it is important to know about the 7 symptoms of heart disease and check blood pressure and cholesterol regularly for proper heart care.
Increase physical activity: Exercising 4 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes is best for heart and artery health.
Oxygen in the blood: Blood should contain 95 to 100 percent oxygen. It is measured by a special device called an oximeter that is clipped on the finger. An oxygen level of less than 90 percent is not healthy for the body.
HbAc count: This blood test is different from a glucose test. It provides information about blood sugar levels. Which should be between 4 and 5.6 percent. This test is absolutely necessary for heart patients and diabetics. Having more than normal levels of sugar is dangerous for both of these diseases.
Cholesterol Levels: Cholesterol is a fatty substance. It builds up in the arteries, narrowing the arteries and increasing the risk of heart disease. It is important to know your LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol levels during cholesterol testing. This indicates heart problems.
BMI: It is a measure of body weight relative to height. For this, weight in kilograms and height in centimeters should be measured regularly. A healthy body mass index or BMI should be in the range of 18.18.5-24.9. If it is more than 25, it should be considered overweight and caution should be taken. Waist circumference: If there is excess fat in the lower abdomen or abdominal area, it is called visceral fat. This increases the risk of heart disease and weight gain.
Heart Rate at Rest: The number of times the heart beats in one minute while resting is called the resting heart rate. Stress or overexertion increases the heart rate. It is also caused by heart problems. Regular monitoring of the heart rate at rest can help diagnose a high-risk. Family history also plays an important role in heart disease. Know the heart well and follow the way of life accordingly. Food and health care can be taken. When discussing heart health, it is important to remember that it is only possible to diagnose it through the immune system. Therefore, the risk factors can be identified at an early stage and properly diagnosed.
Dr. Ramakanta Panda
Cardiologist and Chairman, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai