Sambalpur: Sold land by fake Aadhaar card, The DSR reported the matter to the town police

Sambalpur: Fake Aadhaar cards will be issued and 0.57 acres of land will be sold. The other people sold the land to two people, claiming the land was theirs. The incident came to light after the DSR lodged a written complaint with the town police regarding the incident. According to the information, the incident was reported to the heirs of the land when Plot No. 5771 was deleted. After verification, the plot 846|1066 found to be recorded in 846|1067. Hemchandra Panda and Sarat Kumar Barik later bought the land. Both were registered on December 7. How the Plot No. 5771 named after Tikeshwar Bhoi, Dashmi Padhan, Sripati Padhan, Urkuli Padhan and Bibhuti Pradhan.
The defendants first issued a fake Aadhaar card to sell it. The defendants then posted photos of themselves and signed the names of the owners of Plot No. 5771. He sold the land to two people illegally. Most importantly, the real landlord did not even known that his land has been sold. Later when the plot no was omitted it came to notice. Thus the DS was informed. Preliminary investigations revealed that the land had been inappropriately sold . The DSR then lodged a written complaint with the Town Police Station requesting the arrest of the people who had misappropriately sold the land. Town police are investigating. Kedarnath Pradhan, son of landowner Bibhuti Padhan, has also lodged a written complaint with the town police.