Sambalpur: Condition of Roads in various Major areas is very miserable, Drain Water is flowing on the road but SMC Department are ignoring this

Sambalpur: The condition of the roads in various major areas of the city is very bad. The drain water is flowing on the road, the iron bar is attached to the drain, is very dangerous. As a result, people have to face problems. People are also facing accidents due to road problems at various times. The public complain that everything looks waterlogged while the Department officials are ignoring it.
According to the complaint, the road connecting the hospital road from Duchurapada in front of the church has been into danger for many years. There is a drain in the junction of the road. Two iron grates have been installed on the said drain. However, due to construction errors, the iron grates has fallen by one foot. Due to this situation, a huge gap has been created in connection schools. A large number of vehicles ply on the said road at different times of the day. People also come and go through the road. Especially in the evening, there is a heavy crowd on the said road. The problem has been brought to the attention of SMC many times. Even after that, the people complained that it was not being repaired.
Similarly, many parts of the city have blocked drains, which are causing accidents at various times. Emphasis is placed on drain cleaning by the Metropolitan Corporation only before rains. At other times, the drains remain the same Since a long time ago, such a situation has arisen in Modipada area, there is overflowing drain water on the streets of Katiapada. In this way, people are facing problems during travel.
The issue was brought to the attention of the administration in the Committee meeting held by the administration before the last Hanuman Jayanti. However, the public complained that there was no solution to the said problem till now.