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Odisha Government Confirms: No Liquor Ban, Crackdown on Illicit Trade to Continue

Odisha will not ban liquor sales but will focus on cracking down on the illicit liquor trade, ensuring licensed shops remain operational to prevent illegal consumption and maintain state revenue.

Odisha will not close licensed liquor stores, but it will crack down on illegal liquor sales. Alcohol consumption is on the rise as a result of illicit liquor. As a result, Excise Minister Prithviraj Harichandan has issued instructions to stop the illicit liquor trade throughout the state during the current fiscal year.

After the BJP came to power in Odisha, there was a heated debate about controlling the liquor industry. Although there was no promise to ban liquor in the BJP’s election manifesto, senior party leaders stated in election meetings that it would be prohibited. Even the Minister of SSEPD had stated that liquor sales would be discontinued. However, the Excise Minister’s statement made it clear that liquor sales will continue.

In an interview with a media outlet, Harichandan stated that prohibiting liquor sales is not a big deal. However, if neighboring states sell liquor, there is no reason to ban it in our state. This is because the illicit liquor trade will grow. Although liquor sales are prohibited in Gujarat and Bihar, illicit liquor remains available.

Alcohol consumption in our state is increasing due to the availability of illicit liquor. If liquor sales are prohibited, there will be a financial loss, but the government can compensate in other ways. However, if the illegal liquor trade continues, the number of addicts will not decrease, nor will the government receive revenue. Odisha will sink further. Complete prohibition may be considered in the future. However, we will not increase the number of licensed liquor shops but rather crack down on the illegal liquor trade. The illegal liquor trade carried out by bootleggers will be stopped. Mahua and country liquor are sold in many districts throughout the state. The Minister stated that the department will take steps to control this situation.

The BJP government called for a ban on liquor sales. Various organizations and individuals in the state have also pushed for prohibition. The debate over whether liquor sales will be prohibited in the state has not subsided. There are still questions about whether liquor licenses will be issued, whether existing licenses will be revoked, and how revenue will be compensated. However, the Excise Minister’s statement clarified that liquor sales in the state will continue. Stopping the illegal liquor trade is nothing new. The department has taken steps to combat the illicit liquor trade and will continue to do so.

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