Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Low-Quality Food at District Headquarters Hospital, Dalma Lacks ‘Dal’, Egg Curry Served with Boiled Rice Water

Sambalpur: Patients at Sambalpur District Headquarters Hospital (DHH) are concerned about the poor food quality being served. There have been complaints that the dalma lacks an essential ingredient: dal. Despite extensive searching, patients could only find boiled pumpkin and a few potatoes. The cooks added boiled rice to the egg curry, creating an unexpected twist. They did not properly fry the eggs, leaving many broken and wasted. The staff prepared the milk porridge, which was supposed to be nutritious, with mostly water and little to no actual milk, giving it the appearance of white water.

Long-standing Food Complaints Continue

Reports of substandard food at the DHH have been recurring for some time, with many calling for an investigation. The cooks added boiled rice to the egg curry, creating an unexpected twist. They did not properly fry the eggs, leaving many broken and wasted. The staff prepared the milk porridge, which was supposed to be nutritious, with mostly water and little to no actual milk, giving it the appearance of white water. However, patients and their families frequently question the quality of the diet plan’s meals, with the most recent meal raising new concerns.

Meals Missing Key Ingredients

On Wednesday, patients were given rice, dalma, and egg curry. However, the dalma only included boiled pumpkin and potatoes, with no dal, leaving patients searching in vain for the missing ingredient. According to the server, the dal had been cooked into the mixture and ground down, rendering it invisible. A patient’s relative expressed frustration, saying, “This food is difficult to eat. Instead of nutritious meals, we are served something unappealing and inappropriate for patients.”

Unsatisfactory Food Quality Forces Patients to Bring Food from Outside

Another patient’s family member reported that they have been bringing food from outside for the past three days because the food served at the hospital is bland. “If healthy people find it difficult to eat, how can patients do so?” the frustrated relative inquired. They even compared the hospital food to that provided by ‘Aahar,’ a government initiative, and found that ‘Aahar’ meals were far tastier and more enjoyable.

Authorities’ Response and Investigation Promised

Despite these complaints, Assistant District Medical Officer (ADMO) Alekh Mahapatra has not issued an official statement on the subject. However, Chief District Medical Officer (CDMO) Sujata Rani Mishra assured that the hospital obligates the catering agency in charge to provide nutritious food to patients. With 176 beds, DHH treats more patients than its official capacity, and the government provides funds to ensure nutritious meals. She promised that the hospital would investigate the adequacy of the food being served. “We cook meals with less oil and spices, as per health guidelines, and if the kitchen staff are not following these guidelines, we will take action after conducting a proper inquiry,” Mishra told.

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