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New Pension holders will get the allowances on the 15th

The new pension holders will get the monthly allowance in the Madhu Babu Pension Yojana on the 15th of next month. The State Government has stepped up its preparations. In this regard, a letter has been sent to all the District Collectors and Metropolitan Corporation Commissioners from the division of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.

Instructions for preparation of final beneficiary list in 3 days

The letter stated that whatever process is in operation to finalize the new beneficiary should be completed quickly. Application verification for applicants who were rejected in the past should be completed. Applications of new applicants will also need to be checked quickly. At the pending stage, the list of final beneficiaries must be prepared within 3 days after sanctioning the eligible applications.

Another 4 lakh people will get pensions in the state. They will be included in the Madhu Babu Pension Scheme. According to the data of the department, till now 3 lakh 45 thousand 753 have applied to be added to the Madhu Babu Pension Scheme. Similarly, 21 thousand 386 applications are waiting to be included in the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP). The total number of Madhu Babu pension beneficiaries in the state is now 32.75 lakh. In this, the number will increase by 4 lakhs to 36.75 lakhs. In this regard, the state government will spend Rs. 190.20 crore per month. The Chief Minister had included an additional 4.13 lakh people in this scheme last August.

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